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Professional Affairs Committee

The Professional Affairs Committee (PA), is the professional development and mentorship arm of the Undergraduate Economics Association. PA is dedicated to educating and organizing student professional development through its weekly workshops, committee socials, and networking info-sessions. Committee members improve their recruiting skills, resumes, public speaking through the heavily curated PA curriculum and weekly workshops. Additionally, members learn about a myriad of different industries--consulting, banking, startups and Big Tech--and their respective recruiting strategies.

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A large part of the PA committee is its focus on community development and mentorship. All committee members are paired with UEA officers and alumni for weekly coffee chats, designed to improve the committee member's resume/interview prep and networking skills.


The PA committee organizes socials to develop a strong community within UEA. At the end of the semester, all committee members are invited to compete in the UEA case competition. Applying to the PA committee is a great first step towards trying to improve one's industry knowledge, learn about networking, and make fulfilling relationships with other members and the UEA committee as a whole.

Meet the Directors

These are the Directors of the Professional Affairs Committee for Spring 2024.




Interested in becoming a member of UEA's professional affairs committee? Apply here!

Every semester, PA hosts a few events that are open to all UEA general members. Keep up with our events on the UEA Facebook page.

© 2020 by The Undergraduate Economics Association

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